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Deva-i Misk Halva +
  • Produced with 39 kinds of spices and ingredients, egg white, sugar and potassium bitartrate, Deva-i Misk Halva is a product that is part of the historical heritage dating back to the years when Edirne was the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
  • This product, which contains many spices, is a special dessert distributed free of charge to the public in Ottoman Edirne.
  • It is known that the halva produced by a confectioner master was presented to the Ottoman Sultan Murat II on the day he arrived in Edirne and he was asked to name it himself. It is a sweet halva despite the dominant flavour of the spices in it.
  • Lower the boiled sugar, let it cool down slightly. Dip the wooden shovel into the sugar and rotate it on the sides of the boiler. As this stirring process continues, the sugar both freezes and turns white. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until they turn into foam. Add it into the whitened sugar. Also add various spice mixtures. Then halva is obtained by beating with a normal shovel.
Egg White