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Elçili Village Bridge +

The bridge is 128 m. long and made of cut stones. A balcony was placed in the center of the bridge. This area with arches on the left and right is 8.14 m. wide. The eyes on the right and left measure 3.56-58 m. These areas are 0.42 m. above the road level. The bridge is aligned in the northwest-southeast direction. The balcony in the southwest corner is larger than the other one. The width of the area is 3.58 m., the height of the stairs is 0.30 m. and the height of the railing is 12 m. At the northwest and southeast entrances of the bridge, the road width varies between 5.50 m. and 5.70 m. The railing heights are 0.75 m. internally and 0.80 m. externally. The road floor is covered with cut stones and marble slabs in places. It is understood that the balcony existed before the repair from the materials that fell into the stream bed. Flower rosettes are carved on the keystone of the bridge arches.

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