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Hardaliye +
  • Hardaliye; It is a local drink unique to Thrace, prepared using vine leaves, mustard seeds and grapes. It is aimed to patent this drink, which you can also find in Kırklareli, and turn it into a national drink.
  • It has strength-giving, appetising, anti-fever, blood pressure balancing, circulatory and immune system regulating effects.
  • The grapes are crushed in such a way as to break the skin, then placed in barrels covered with mustard seeds and vine leaves, which are crushed until the skin is cracked in order to prevent it from turning into wine and vinegar. When it reaches the right consistency, it is filtered and made ready to drink.
  • It is a special drink with its colour, smell and taste, which is still made in Kırcasalih and Yeniköy in Uzunköprü district. During the autumn vintage, mustard is placed between the grapes of each type and left to ferment. After waiting for a while (about 20 days), the grapes start to juice. Some juice is poured from the tap at the bottom of the barrel and then poured again from the top of the barrel. This process is repeated at short intervals. At the end of approximately one month, the fermentation takes place and it is ready to drink and it is drunk throughout the winter.