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 Martyrs Monument (Statue of Liberty) +

Martyrs Monument (Statue of Liberty)

It is located at the bridgehead of Uzunköprü, at the entrance from the city side. The Freedom Monument was erected on 24 July 1908 on behalf of the re-enactment of the constitution of the constitutional constitution and the establishment of the Parliament. On the four sides of this monument are inscribed the universal principles of the French Revolution: liberty, justice, equality and fraternity. When the bridge was repaired in 1965; the monument was moved a little further out of the bridge by numbering the stones. A new inscription was placed on the pedestal. The height of the monument made of Kufeki stone is 6.76 m. and reaches 8.11 m. with the stone ornamentation. The monument is the symbol of Uzunköprü.

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