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Muradiye Mosque Fountain +

The inscription and the nozzles on the south and east facades have been removed. The height of the building, which sits on an independent square-shaped mass, is 4.55 m. width is 3.25 m. The fountain has two façades and has a niche with pointed arches on the east and south façades. The north and west facades were kept deaf. There is no mirror stone in the pointed arched niche on the façade. The nozzle holes near the floor in the centre of the niche were filled during the repair. The water trough is 1.05 m. wide and extends along the niche.

The fountain eaves are surrounded by a row of straight and a row of concave mouldings. The water reservoir is covered with a pyramidal stone roof. There is a reservoir opening measuring approximately 0.60 m.x0.60 m. on the east side of the cover. There are no ornamental elements in the fountain except for the edge mouldings around the south and east facades. The construction date of the fountain is unknown since the inscription was removed. Despite this, R.M. Meriç writes that this structure located at the beginning of Muradiye Slope was built by Sultan Süleyman.

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