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Noodles +
  • Prepared for winter in Thracian cuisine, home pasta (cut pasta - noodles) is a very popular flavor especially in the village kitchens of the region, even finding a place on the table to pass the meal. It is very nutritious with its milk and egg content. Consuming it with pickles, ayran or fruit juices prepared for winter is one of the presentation features of the region.
  • Various ways of flavoring can be used during its preparation. The most popular way of consuming it in the region is with tomato sauce and sprinkled with sour cream and cracked cheese.
  • When flavoring home pasta before presentation, one of the preferred methods is to flavor it with butter, as well as pouring hot sunflower on the cutlets and blending the cutlets to get the taste of the oil. This is referred to as "burning oil" in the local culinary jargon.