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Uzunköprü Ismail Aga Fountain +
Uzunköprü Ismail Aga Fountain

As a result of the Balkan Wars, the population of Uzunköprü increased due to migration, and as a result, the need for water in the district increased. In order to solve the water problem in the district, with the initiative of Mayor Hafız İsmail Efendi and District Governor Süleyman Bey, the water source in the Kirazlı stream in the Lişko region was brought to Uzunköprü with the financial support of the people of the district and fountains were built in various parts of the district. Four of the fountains made of cut stone and brick in Turkish style are still standing today. One of these four fountains, Hodja Ismail Aga Fountain, was built in rectangular form and is adjacent to the wall of the mosque behind it.

The fountain with a stone arch is still in use. The keystone in the arched part of the fountain is ornamented. The fountain measures 0.87x1.35 m. and is 2.38 m. high. There are riding stones on both sides of the fountain. 0.37x0.46 m. There is a two-line marble inscription. In this inscription, the construction dates of the fountain are written in Hijri and Rumi.

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